Abilene Housing Authority
Abilene, Texas
The Abilene Housing Authority (AHA) provides affordable housing options to over 2,500 families, throughout 20 counties, in West Central Texas. AHA administers two rental assistance programs on behalf of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD). In addition, AHA owns or co-owns three affordable housing apartment complexes funded through the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program that is administered by the Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs (TDHCA).
Through different programs AHA provides affordable housing to the following:
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program
1399 vouchers (in addition to vouchers listed below)(Federally funded rental assistance to make housing affordable in a location of your choice)
Foster Youth to Independence Initiative (FYI) Program
Five (5) vouchers (housing for youth aging out of foster care, age 18-24) -
HUD-VASH Program
185 vouchers (housing for homeless veteran families) -
Mainstream Voucher (MSV) Program
195 vouchers (housing for families with family members with disabled family member, age 18-61) -
Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration Program
Five (5) vouchers (housing for families transitioning out of institutional care [i.e. nursing home, etc.]) -
Stability Voucher (SV) Program
Five (5) vouchers (housing for families fleeing domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, etc.)
Public Housing (LRPH) Program
213 units at four (4) sites
(Federally funded rental assistance at an apartment complex that AHA owns)
Money Follows the Person (MFP) Demonstration Program
Five (5) PH Units (housing for families transitioning out of institutional care [i.e. nursing home, etc.]) - Click here to see our Public Housing Communities
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Properties/Program
572 units at four (4) sites
(State funded affordable housing program for low-income families, that AHA owns or co-owns)
AHA encourages anyone in need of affordable housing to complete an online application today for one or all of our rental assistance programs.

Serving the City of Abilene
& the Counties of
- Brown
- Callahan
- Coleman
- Comanche
- Eastland
- Fisher
- Haskell
- Jones
- Kent
- Knox
- McCulloch
- Mitchell
- Nolan
- Runnels
- Scurry
- Shackelford
- Stephens
- Stonewall
- Taylor
- Throckmorton
The Housing Authority's mission is to service the housing needs of low-income families in the Authority's jurisdiction in order to enhance self-sufficiency and promote community quality of life and economic viability.
We will be recognized as a leading authority in moderate and low-income community development activities in West Texas.